

Good morning to the respected Principal, teachers and all my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this great occasion, I would like to speech over health is wealth. It is a most common saying which we generally listen by our grandparents, parents and teachers. But, I want to ask you all that how many of us have think about and follow this remedy in their life. We all know that what is ‘health is wealth’ but is anyone of us have think the real meaning of it. Now-a-days, people’s life has been so busy that they have no time for their health maintenance, doing exercises, talk to family members, friends, neighbours, etc because of increasing competitions and technologies.
We should never forget that without health there is nothing in our life. Health is more valuable for us than other things in the life because it is the only tool of success. Unhealthy people can never get the real joy and peace of life. This famous proverb tells us that health is more valuable than money and other precious things all over the world. If we suffer any disease, money can only help us to get medicine and limited relief; however it cannot remove diseases completely from the body. If we get relief from one disease then it will leave other diseases as a complication. It means weak and unhealthy body calls many diseases one by one which we never can be free off.
We need to keep ourselves healthy and happy to easily cope with all the problems of life. We can be healthy through proper and daily exercises, morning walk, healthy diet, following good habits, disciplined lifestyle, and positive thinking. Healthy body keeps body, mind and soul happy and peaceful. A healthy person becomes completely free from the illnesses in body and mind and thus able to enjoy stable health and all the happiness in the life. Being healthy for the people of any age group depends upon the several factors like food, physical activity, pollution, sleeping habits, way of thinking, mental condition, water, air, sunlight, etc. Together with the physical exercises; proper care of the body is also very necessary. Unhealthy people spend their whole life in suffering from diseases and complaining others for their condition. Life is very beautiful if it is lived in right direction. Please do not waste it by being diseased, instead live it happily. My motto of today’s speech on this topic is only to share my feelings to all of you for the wellness of all of us.
Thank You.


Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. At this auspicious occasion I would like to speech over common saying ‘health is wealth’. I know that everyone of us is well recognized with this proverb however only few people actually follow this strategy in their life. The real meaning of this proverb is that the one, who has good health become the happiest person of the world even from the rich people. Whether a person is rich or poor, he would be unhappy if suffers any disease or disability. This proverb is really meaning a lot for all of us if we understand and follow this remedy strictly. Diseases never ask a person for richness or poorness, they just affect the person if found weak and unhealthy.
Health is wealth proverb compares the value of health with the wealth and indicates that health is more valuable than the wealth. When a rich person gets diseased, he becomes an unhappy person than the poor healthy person. His/her life becomes useless instead of having lots of money. Money cannot buy happiness and healthy life; it can only give comfort and joy for limited time however a good health always goes together all through the life in every bad and good condition. Good health makes a person (whether healthy or poor) happy and cheerful forever. A healthy person lives better life than the rich person. They feel no burden to them and live stress free life.
A healthy person can be healthy in every walk of life however an unhealthy person cannot bear a little problematic condition. Being healthy is not so costly; one needs to maintain timely diet, healthy lifestyle and daily physical exercises. Some people save their money for future purpose but do not take care of their health, saving money is good habit for future but declining health is not good for future. People should maintain their health together with the saving of money.
Thank You.